Ok. So long time no blog, but that is all about to change. The other evening at the north hill gaming club in Colchester some of the lads were looking for a fourth person for a “tail of four gamers” type challenge. I jumped at the chance faster than a startled Hormagaunt on crack and signed me and my nids up for the challenge. The other army involved are Odin’s necrons, Adam’s chaos marines and Jonny’s catachan imperial guard.
It quickly became apparent that I had a mountain to climb this month. In the first month we have to paint a whole battle force box set and a metal HQ. That’s 16 Termagants, 16 hormagants, 8 genestealers 3 warriors, 3 ripper bases and a hive tyrant!! In the shortest month of the year!! Not sure if there is going to be a scoring system in place like the recent white dwarf series or not but either way that is a LOT of models. Wish me luck.