Saturday, 5 June 2010


Hey guys this ISN'T the run down of how I got on at the tournament, that will follow, this is a quike way to get this picture to adam while keeping the rest of the world informent about what is up next for me. Warhammer fantacy 8th edition is out on the 10th of july and I am finally going to start playing it. The plan is to build a high elf army for it and have some of it ready to play with before it comes out. So with out further delay, here is the first modle for the armt, a sea guard with spear and shield. This is basicaly the colour scheme i'm going with but I do still need to finish the basee

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Welcome back. How goes it?

With just a fewhourstill the tournament and I thought I'd give a sneak preview of my list and some (but not all of my tactical idea's with them)

Hive tyrant

heavy venom cannon

lash whip and bone sword

hive commander

adrenal glands

acid blood


leach essence

2 tyrant guard

These guys are the hardcore combat unit in the list, marching up the table creating havoc and causing a big distraction while my stealers do the real work. I have also used then to bait a trap, if my enemy has a unit that wants to get up close to my tyrant (such as jonny's tripple deep striking storm troopers) I plan my tyrant's movement so when the enemy hits him the Ymgarl genestealers will be there to ambush them from hidding, and there is virtually nothing that can deal with both units at once.

8 Ymgarl Geanstealers

Love the special rules these guys have, there deployment is unique and they can charge the turn they arrive. Then when they charge they can mutate to suit the target. +1 to attack, stength or toughness.Toughness is good if you need to stall for half a turn to avoid being shot in the next shooting phase, strength is good where wounding is more important than getting through armour and attack when you really need to rend. I use them to suprise and ambush my opponent, or to support units in trouble.

2X 9 genestealers with a broodlord

I always out flank these guys, yes it may be a bit random but at least one usualy hitshome and kills most of what they get close to. They usualy die, but not untill they kill loads and cause massive disruption. If they are compleatly out of possition they can hold an objective, plus genestealers not moving will confuse people.

14 hormagaunts with toxin sacs

Thanks to hive commander these outflank. They cause more distraction and disruption thanactualt damage, but they can kill light troops thanks to way too many attacks and re-rolls. Don't forget there bounding leap which make them surprisingly fast and can catch people out.

16 termagants

Cheap and cherefull. Hold objectives, soak up casualies, give warriors a cover save, bulk out the army. Do I care if they die, only if they are the only option for holding an objective

4 warriors

Scything talons


One barbed strangler.

These are a jack of all trade, masters of non. They can hold objective, shoot stuff assult and most importantly they give synaps. They usualy stand behind the guants and advance or hold as neccessary to do what every I need doing, usualy in terainand or on objectives.


Rupture cannon

Cluster spines

desicator lavae

He has a strength 10 assult 2 weapon. So he's an anti-tank unit. Nope. I want my opponent to THINK he is there to kill tanks so he will get targeted, where as in reality he is there to soak up fire and only takes out tanks if he gets lucky. He takes a lot orf fire to kill and by the time he is dead the rest of my army will get there, assult and kill. If he stays alive till the end he will find an objective and contest it. Trygon prime with adrenal glands

DO NOT have him deep strike into the midle of the enemy army. He is too scary and only has a 3+ save and will die before he does diddly squat. I put him near a flank of my opponents army androll that flank. This work particularly well if the bulk of the stealers hit the other flank leaving my oponent in a nid sandwitch with no where to run.The other thing he can do is come in to plug a hole in my synaps network. Once he servives the turn he arrives he charges the hardest thing in range and kills it with strength 7 Monsterous creature attacks.

Overall plan

The tyrant, guard, warriors, termaguants and tyrannofex deploy in the centre of the table close together making the most of terrain. The tyrant and the t-fex push forward and get to killing. The guants and warriors either hold or attack depending on the opponent and the mission. Then turn 2, just as my opponent thinks he has the upperhand. BANG! Most of my reserves arrive and smash there targets, disrupting what ever plann opponent has. Most good opponents will have some kind of game plan and this ambush really disrupts that and makes them have to rethink there plan, usualy without the unit(s) they were copunting on having. To finish off the big monster finish the killing and keeping the opponent occupied while the gaunts, warriors and possibly tealers depending on the situation run for objective and go to ground or hide to deny kill points.

This tactic has beening doing the busness in my practice games and I'm now winning more than I loose. Would have liked a few more practice games but I'm reasomably confident of doing reasonably well in the tournament tomorrow. Here's a pic of the whole army and I'll let you know how I get on.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

quick update ( TRYGON )

Just a quick update (a much longer one will follow soon) to show where I'm at. It's been a busy month preping for the tournament, I've got another full brood of 'stealers painted including a broodloed but much more exciting is a fully magnetized trygon/trygon prime/mawloc. I've painted all the bits for him to be a trygon prime as that's what I'm running in the tornament and will add the other bits later. It was really tricky to get some of the smaller joints such as the tail magnetized and the jaw was really fidley but eventualy got both of them to snap fit without magnets after some cutting.

The end result is a easy to transport modle and more importantly I effectovely get three modles for the price of one, and at £30 a pop that is worth it.

That all folks. Hope to get some plans for tournament tactics up on thursday night