Monday, 9 August 2010

Triple crown tournament

I'm back!!!!!
I know it's been a while, been soooooo busy, but now I’m back with an update on the tournament and what I've been up to in general.

First game was against Chaos daemons, 3 objectives, pitched battle. He had 2 groups of bloodletters with herald,s one of plaguebarer,s one of daemonetts and two of flammers but worst of all were the two soul grinders. I set up in my normal formation with tyrant, guants, warriors and tyrannofex together and everything in reserve. He started with both bloodletter units (and hearlds) at oppersite ends of his side with his plaguebearers advancing on my objective. The plaguebarers held up my tyrant for a while buying the flamers time to cause trouble. The soul grinders arrived on either side to support the bloodletters and were promptly charged by the 'stealers and ymgarl stealers. The 'grinders were tougher than I expected but at least the stealers held them up for long enough for my trygon to arrive, massacring one of the bloodletter squads and wrecking the grinder on the side that most of the action was happening on. On the other side the hormaguants took out the daemonettes and the t'fex advanced on the other bloodletters and thus contested an objective. By the end of turn 4 my surviving stealers held an objective as did the surviving bloodletters and my gaunts almost had the third except for a flamer locked in combat with my tyrant and refusing to die. Alas, the tournament had started late and so we didn't have time to finish so we had to declare it a draw, but I still maintain that one more turn and I would have crushed the vile warp-spawn.

Next game was a simple capture and control, spear head against ultramarines. I think he was fairly new to the game cos he drop-podded stearnguard behind the t-fex (who promptly charged then and slaughtered the lot) and sicarias and his command squad in front of the tyrant. The only glitch was when his thunderhammer terminators killing the tyrant but the warriors and t-fex avenged him with massed fire. By the end all he had was a epleated tactical squad and a damaged ironclad and I had both objectives.

Final game was against a Nightlords traitor marines with everyone in a rhion excet a vindicator 5 oblitorators. Once again it was capture and control, spearhead and I went for my normal deployment. His inital rhino rush hit my tyrant and ymgarl stealers and all took heavy casulties. My outflank onto his objective found all the marines round the objective in cover too much and there attack faultered while my thrust up the centre was blunted by the oblitoratores fire power. Thankfully,my objective was safe as one brood of stealers had outflanked on the "wrong" side so just sat on the objective. Once again it was the Trygon to the rescue and he charged the chaos marins on the objective for the win.One comic moment was when my ymgarl stealers were preparing to charge the vindicator only for the t-fex to blow it up and kill all the ymgarl in the resulting explosion.

All in all a fun day with three good games against three very different opponents and my nids did well. Three games at a tounament without a loss is nothing to complain about. I think I would have struggled against more mobile opponents but on the whole I'm happy with the list.

Now to consume there biomass.

nom nom nom nom nom nom nom...........