Thursday, 23 December 2010
Onwards and upwards
Other than that I'm planning to expand my salamanders army and put up some tactic and painting blogs with them. I've already started this expansion with a razorback (see photos bellow) and 5 assault terminators and I'm planning to add a whirlwind, terminator chaplain, devastator squad and maybe some more dreadnoughts. These will all be playing on the nice new realm of battle gaming board I'm getting in the new year (not much to blog about there, I'm just rather looking forward to it) and some will be coming to the 40k doubles tournament in feb with me and Adam (plenty to blog about there).
Thursday, 16 December 2010
The elven hoast grows
I had planned to build 1250pts, play with it, blog about it and then go onto 1500pts. Alas, time and work had other idea's and the 1250pts game and blog got put aside. However, the painting did get done, more sea guard and a noble with a reaver bow as well as putting the shadow warriors back into the list. The obvious highlight of this step was the noble. He turned out really great, especially the gold. I base coated the gold in shinning gold and the gave it a wash of ogryn flesh. Then I painted all but the lowest recesses in another coat of shinning gold before building up a highlight of burnished gold and finally methril silver. Turned out really shiny and makes him stand out in the big unit of seaguard that he hangs out with in most games.
The next step was to go to 1500pts. Once again, more seaguard, giving my a huge unit of 32 with every model able to attack when they get charged. To this I added a unit of 5 dragon princes to give my army some manoeuvrability and punch. I used the old models cos I brought and assembled them about 2 weeks before GW announced they were doing new plastic one, Grrrrrr! I'd never painted horses before but I think basing them in white, washing in a watered down mix of astronomican and codex grey and the highlighting in white worked out ok for the majestic elven steeds.
That's tail of gamers pretty much over as 1500 was where we were aiming for, but it's far from the end for my high elves or this blog.
To be continued............