Saturday, 20 February 2010

tale of fou gamers part 3: panic!!!

While I wait for the sand on my tyrants base to set and my girlfriend to call me I may as well update the old blog. Just over a week to go and it looks like I may not hit my deadline. I have finished 8 stealers, 6 hormagaunts, 12 termagants and the tyrant. 3 warriors and 5 hormagaunts are in progress and 5 hormagaunts and 4 termagaunts are still to be started. And too make matters worse I’ve run out of my main colour, gryphonne sepia. AAAAHHH.

Panic over. I can buy paint tomorrow and do have some quite evenings this week and my painting is speeding up.

I’m really pleased with how the nids are looking, the scheme has given them a very cohesive look, like they are all one single minded organism and a few scenic bases (most notably the tau battle suit parts on the tyrant) have added some character.

Haven’t had a game with just my nids yet, but on Thursday me and my mate Dan teamed up to make 1500pts to take on a guard army in our local GW. Why I saw three leman russ’ I thought we were going to get pulverised, but Dan’s trygon prime and deathleaper took them down before they did too much damage while my hormagaunts and genestealers ate his gun line. When his valkyire and veterens showed up on turn 4 and killed my tyrant it was too little too late and we scored a crushing victory.

Anyway, back to painting

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