As I said Adam has changed his army. For various reasons he’s had to give his orkz a break for a while and has gone for the evil, malicious, cruel (not to mention fast and deadly if played correctly) Dark Eldar. See his blog for more details on that and his plan to torture and enslave his way across the galaxy.
For me this month has been more about gaming than modelling (at least in terms of what is finished enough to put up here). Been using some of my very unfinished Ymgarl genestealers to make my list up to 1000pts and had some very challenging games, particularly with the new battle missions. (Note that I’m not going to go into detail about test games at home that were extensively proxyed) I’ve had a couple of goes at the “infestation mission”, firstly against an imperial fists army lead by Pedro Kanto then against Adams heavily mechanised Dark eldar. The fists stole the initiative and massacre all my 32 gaunts in one turn thanks to his vindicator and sternguard. Thankfully my tyrant stunned his vindicator and my warriors tied up his sternguard long enough for my stealers to show up. Once they were there they chomped through most of his army and then the tyrant guard chased kantor off the table after he killed the tyrant in an assault. Nids one, biomass nil. Against the dark eldar thing didn’t go quite so well. Adams speed caught me out and killed my warriors early on with his archon and incubi. My stealers and tyrant did manage to hit back and kill them but then my tyrant died thanks to two perils of the warp in two turns. Although we technically didn’t finish the game it was clear that he would have won. Infestation is a fun mission but I think at 1000pts the armys (cirtainly my nids) are too small to have the flexability for battle missions. Finally I had a straight up annihilation against Jonny’s guard. A close fought game that thanks to cornel shraken and three squads of deepstriking storm troopers felt like an uphill struggle all the way. But I did manage to pull out a 7 / 7 draw.
What of the future? As I mentioned above I’ve already started work on some converted Ymgarl genestealer using the space hulk stealer models and loads of random bits and green stuff. Time and availability of certain hobby supplied have got the better of me this month, but rest assure that they will be included next time around. But they aren’t the biggest planned conversion for next month. That would be the TYRANNOFEX. Going to convert him out of a carnifex and have a general plan which I may divulge in another blog. Several reasons for including him. Firstly the rupture cannon gives me some much needed ranged anti tank, secondly six wounds 2+ save he will be able to shrug off loads of fire, which he needs to be able to do cos once the rupture cannon starts blowing stuff up he is going to attract a lot of attention, which is a good thing as all that fire bouncing off his armoured shell won’t be directed at more vulnerable parts of my swarm. Thirdly, my army is starting to get themed around the fluff on the battle of ichar IV fluff in the codex which speficaly mentions tyranofexes (along with loads of stealers) so he fits their nicely and finally, he should look awesome.
That all for now. Updates on themeing my army and tyrannofex plans will follow soon.
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