Sunday, 2 May 2010

Tale of 4 gamers. Month 3

It is finished! Not the army, just the tyrannofex. Really chuffed with how he’s turned out, the paint scheme brings out the conversion while hiding the joints and keeping an organic feel. Plus he looks really menacing. Only used him one in a game so far, the game didn’t quite go to plan, I tried to out whit a drop pod marine army by reserving everything. Unfortunately everything arrived too late and it was a bit of an uphill struggle just too pull out a draw. As for the T-fex, well he immobilised and then later destroyed a Vindicator but didn’t have any time to do any more so really the jury is still out on him. Watch this space. Hopefully his toughness 6, 6 wounds, and 2+ save should give my army a much needed bit of resilience.

As for my other games recently, well, that’s why I need some added resilience to my army. I’ve been wiped out twice in the last two games by Adam’s pesky Dark Eldar under the command of Prince Jeremarkus, Archon of the Kabal of the Weeping thorn. The first game (one of the dark eldar missions from the battles book) was rather embracing, I went first and did ok blowing up a raider and getting the part of my force that started on the table into position to strike on turn 2. Alas, turn two was not to be. The murderous scum all disembarked in charge or rapid fire range and proceeded to decimate my army. Killing the gaunts with splinter fire was only the start. The archon and his incubi charged my tyrant and the warriors were charged by wytches. Both of my units under preformed and some bad save throws left me with nothing on the table. Ouch!!!!! The second game was better, my reserves actually arrived but the dark eldar are so fast that they were able to wipe one part of my force before moving on to destroy another. But all is not lost. I did redeem myself with a convincing win over jonny’s guard (Two- nil on objectives and the only models he had left were a medic and cornel shraken), plus I have a plan to deal with Adams dark eldar. Of course, I won’t be putting that up hear just yet cos he WILL read it and WILL come up with a way to deal with it (plus I have no idea if it will actually work).

Overall I’m really pleased with how the army is developing, it’s fun to play, look nice and I’m getting some reasonable result (I haven’t lost at 1000pts to anyone except Adam, though there have been a fair few draws ). There’s still a lot to learn, as with any new army, but I up for the challenges ahead. I started the force by just building what I likes/thought would work but a theme is starting to develop and I plan on expanding on it. I’m building the army to represent the force that attacked Ichar IV, when the many tendrils of hive fleet Kraken converged on this imperial hive world that had previously been the sight of a massive genestealer infestation. The imperium thought the infestation had been dealt with; when Kraken arrived they were proved wrong, very wrong.

So what we have is a powerful tyranid force (hive tyrant, tyrannofex and warriors) that attacks from the expected route, only for a force of genestealers (and possibly other out-flankers) to emerging from unexpected places. So my force fits nicely but to continue the theme I need at least another unit of ‘stealers to go with the other two I’ve already got. So that’s what I’ll be adding next.

I have also got wind of a tournament coming up at the start of June, 1750pts for gamers from Colchester, Chelmsford and South-end stores at warhammer world. I’m planning to bring my nids along; there play style is fun and all that out flanking will catch many people off guard. But for that I need 1750pts of nids and I have under 1500pts. So this month is going to be a big one for painting, as well as the genestealers I’m also going to add the biggest beastie in the codex; a tyrgon prime. He’s hard hitting, fairly resilient and adds to the alternative deployment style of the list but most importantly he gives synapse, and not slow walking synapse from my deployment zone, no, he will pop up right in the heart of the enemy to support my out flankers.

Any way got to go. So much to paint so little time.

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