But my elves haven't quite provided good blogging material, I've collected them so fast I just wouldn’t have been able to blog on my progress and I'm still learning how to play fantasy so any tactica wouldn't have been much good. Anyway, now I have a new project to blog about. My local GW, colchester, is running a “tale of gamers” campaign to encourage people to build new armies and get them painted up. Before anyone gets too excited I won't be doing a whole new army, I just don't have the time at the moment, not with a full time job and a girlfriend and church and a social life and that annoying need to sleep, eat, wash, do housework ect... What I will be doing is revisiting my salamanders, improving the models I've already done (over 2000pts) with hand painted iconography as well as painting up some of the stuff I haven’t finished yet (look out for a razorback and some assault terminators). I know I need a 500pt fully painted legal army to start with and that I will have to (or get to) play a game at least every two weeks but beyond that is still a mystery but I'll post details when I know them.
I'm looking forward to giving my salamanders a bit of attention and seeing how this campaign is going to develop and I'm planning to get at least one blog up every two weeks. I'll have an army list and more photo's up soon but for now I’ll leave you with my winning high elf BSB.
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