Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Salamander army list.

Due to other commitments and playing other games I've only played one game of 40k this year but now my local game store, 4tk gaming, is starting a 40k league. So I've decided to give it a go and signed up. Going to use my Salamanders as they are the army I'm most comfortable using competitively and it also gives me a chance to use use the Imperial Knight that my wife got me for our anniversary last October.

For most of last year I'd been using drop podding lists, but when I tried to fit a Knight into that list I found I couldn't fit enough pods enough troops and all the support elements I wanted, along with the Knight. So I've gone for a more mechanised list, like I used to run back in 5th ed, but with a librarian instead of a Captain and finding enough room for a Knight.

Librarian   Level 2
Terminator armour, storm bolter 120

5 Terminators
heavy flamer  210

Landraider Redeemer
Multimelta              250

10 tactical marines
Flamer, Heavy Flamer,
combi-flamer, melta bomb 170

Rhino 35

10 tactical marines
Melta gun, Multimelta,
melta bomb, combi-melta  175

Rhino 35

5 tactical marines 70

T.L. lascannon 75

5 Devastators
4 missile launchers
flakk missiles  170

5 Scouts
heavy bolter 63

Allied Imperial Knight

Knight Paladin  375

The plan in that the heavily armoured, high threat units (Landraider, terminators and the Knight) advance and threaten my opponent at close range while the Razorback and Devastator take out specific targets like transports and flyer, to make life easier for the rest of the army. The troops will follow up behind the armour, first and fore-most to claim objectives but also giving close range support for the armoured advance, but trying to stay far enough from the Knight to not get caught in the blast when (not if, because it will happen) it blows up. (Note this is not supposed to be a power gaming tournament list, just a balance between fun and effectiveness, with the models I have)

That's the plan, if it actually works is something that I won't find out until I try it out. Hopefully I'll get a game with it on Friday night and I'll let you know how it goes. Also, I should have some pics on this blog in the next few days when my phone (which is my only camera) is fixed.

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