Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Game One

Game one of “tale of (what turned out to be) 8 gamers” was a massive 8 way 5 objective game on two boards with a tunnel connecting them. The story was that a warp storm has disrupted the space travel of our armies and caused the planets deference lasers to fire at random leaving all of our forces to make an emergence landing, represented by deep strike in a randomly determined location. The objectives represented five vital instillations on the planet that would give bonuses in the next game.

My orkz landed in the centre of the board, close to Stumpy's daemons and the HQ bastion objective. He sent his pink horrors and herald into the bastion and down the tunnel to the other table with the planetary defence controls. I sent the boyz in after them but didn't count on the ranged attacks of the pink horrors (come on, they don't even have a ranged weapon on the model :p) and lost most of my boys. I did get into combat but got bogged down and my Warboss on bike (wasn't allowed to use him as Wazzdakka in the first game) had to bail them out, which he did with ease. This left me as the sole army on the second table, poised to seize the planetary deference controls. Alas, before I could make the most of this Carl's Tau turned up and his fire warriors took out the remainder of my force. I did still have the truck but that was really me out of the game. In the end only three army's survived, Jonny's Grey Knights, Kyle's Necrons, and Sam's, Dark Eldar, with Jonny and Kyle holding one objective each

Even though I didn't do well in the game I had great fun got a really good feel for the campaign and quite frankly I can't wait for the next month.

P.S. Sorry for the lack of photo's, I forgot my camera. Next blog will have pics.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

'Ere weez go!!!

So....... Month one of the new tale of gamers with my orkz and the challenge is harder than you would expect. 400Pts, only one troops choice, only one H.Q. and all for £50 (with a bit of squeeze room for the V.A.T. increase) There are two ways I could realistically go. Assault on Black Reach or the ork battleforce. Initially I was thinking that AoBR would be better for month 1 and to be honest in probably would be if I was only thinking about month one, but this is the only month I could afford the battleforce, where as with a monthly budget of £30 I could get AoBR latter (yes it cost £55 but just the orkz would be about £30)

So the battleforce it is then. As I'm planning to do an Evil Sunz Kult of Speed army I want every model to either be fast moving in it's own right or have a transport, So I started off with the Truck from the battle force and after tha mandatory red paint job, filled it with Boyz. I added a nob with a power klaw and boss pole to give the mob extra combat punch and then decided to upgrade them to 'ard boyz. As I'm only allowed one troops choice in the first game I need there 'eavy armour to keep them alive long enough to claim an objective and the extra cost means that I can make the army up to 400pts despite only having one troops unit.

Anyone see a problem....? There's no HQ unit in the ork battle force. Or is there.....?

Well no, there isn't, but I've converted one. Fitting with the evil sunz theme I've gone for Wazdakka Gutzmek as my HQ choice. Being able to move 24 inches to claim a 3+ cover save AND firing 4 strength 8 shots a turn is really potent and 5 strength 9 power klaw attacks on the turn he charges should turn the tide of any combat he joins in with. He needs to be this potent cos at 180pts he is nearly half my army for the first game.

To make Wazdakka I used one of the standard bikers with parts from the boyz mob nob, some spare assault cannons from my salamander landspeeders (Like I was going to ever use anything other than flamers and meltas on my landspeeders), a tau fussion blaster, the scenic bass from a mounted high Elf prince, some space skulls and a bit of green stuff. I'm pleased with the finished product but do let me know what you think.

As for painting I started with the skin, Orkhide shade base coat with successively light dry brushes of Snot green, Goblin green and Rotting flesh give a fast but effective ork skin colour and I gave Wakdakka a Thakka green wash to darken him up a bit. I wanted to keep the red parts clearly red, but looking dark and dirty so I started with Mechrite red with a Devlan Mud wash. I then picked out the armour and straps in another coat of Mechrite read and an edge highlight of blood red. The metal parts were mostly just Boltgun metal dry brushed over chaos black, broken up with areas of Tin Bitz with a lighter Boltgun metal dry brush. To complete the evil sunz look I added some yellow details, such a glyphs and check pattens but chose Iyanden Darksun as the yellow tone to keep then suitably dark.

I tried something a bit new for bases, snakebite leather dry brushed over scorched brown to give a muddy effect with patches of Scorched grass to give the effect that a once verdant field is now torn up by the advance of the Speed Kult.

Not quite finished painting all the boyz yet but I've still got a week to go. After the first battle I'm planning to get a blog up with how it went and some pics from the game.

See you soon.

P.S. If you like my blog please subscribe so I know people are actually reading this and I'm not just blogging to my self.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Da new beginin'

Evenin' all. I've finally had the time to put another blog up. I've been busy with work, life and winning four games in a row with my newly revised 2000pt high elf list, but that's not what I'm blogging about today.

As I said months ago I'm planning to start an ork army, that's what I'm blogging about today. I've had the models for the army and the idea for the list for a while now but I needed an incentive to get it going. Then my good friend Mr Carl Short came to me with the idea for another tale of four games for 40k. Well if you've read my blog for a while you know I can't say no to one of these collecting, painting and gaming challenges and this one has something a little extra to make it even better. Carl's done up a good set of rules for this competition to spice things up and keep us on track. Basicly we've got £50 in the first month to get 400pts of our chosen army with only one troops choice, one HQ and what ever else we want. At the end of the months we have an 8 way game at the north hill gaming club in colchester. We then get a set budget and points limit for each subsequent month and play a variety of different games. Each month we get points for the result in the games and as well as for painting, converting etc. And to add another layer to the challenge the games will form a planetary empires campaign that will play out over the months. All in all I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm not the only one blogging about it either, Carl's got his own blog about it so if you want another point of view on it, and a look at his tau army head over to http://ch1hammer.blogspot.com/2011/03/hello.html where you can also see the plans for the first game.

That all for today. I'm hoping to get some more blog action up before the end of the week with details on the start of my waaagh!