Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Da new beginin'

Evenin' all. I've finally had the time to put another blog up. I've been busy with work, life and winning four games in a row with my newly revised 2000pt high elf list, but that's not what I'm blogging about today.

As I said months ago I'm planning to start an ork army, that's what I'm blogging about today. I've had the models for the army and the idea for the list for a while now but I needed an incentive to get it going. Then my good friend Mr Carl Short came to me with the idea for another tale of four games for 40k. Well if you've read my blog for a while you know I can't say no to one of these collecting, painting and gaming challenges and this one has something a little extra to make it even better. Carl's done up a good set of rules for this competition to spice things up and keep us on track. Basicly we've got £50 in the first month to get 400pts of our chosen army with only one troops choice, one HQ and what ever else we want. At the end of the months we have an 8 way game at the north hill gaming club in colchester. We then get a set budget and points limit for each subsequent month and play a variety of different games. Each month we get points for the result in the games and as well as for painting, converting etc. And to add another layer to the challenge the games will form a planetary empires campaign that will play out over the months. All in all I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm not the only one blogging about it either, Carl's got his own blog about it so if you want another point of view on it, and a look at his tau army head over to http://ch1hammer.blogspot.com/2011/03/hello.html where you can also see the plans for the first game.

That all for today. I'm hoping to get some more blog action up before the end of the week with details on the start of my waaagh!

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